and i’ll respond. each time, a gentle kiss

to the hollows of your hips, that soft shore


where you join the rest of you. i hope that

death is this times a million. what i mean is this


is heaven, even that time when you came

in my eye. (i swear i didn’t mind; the crying


was involuntary.) when we unite, a choir,

heavenly hosts singing hallelujah. your breathing is


a sea breeze, all wet salt and promise. darling,

i would be adrift without this. anchored in your waters,


safe harbor no matter the tide. what i mean is

i will never not be lost. even in the shallows i am still


plumbing your depths. every little echo is

a hidden treasure. my name, once lost among


the waves, discovered on your tongue.

so you can call me daddy. call me captain.


call me anything, please.

what i mean is i need you


to tell me who i am.

Isaura Ren (she/they) is a queer poet from the Bay Area. She runs perhappened mag, which you should Google (if you want). They are a Leo sun, Aquarius rising.

She's also on Twitter @isaurarenwrites. Do with that information what you will..